Bloggers Note: My last post was so bad, I got a call from Donald Trump telling me how much he liked it. It has been removed.
We've been staying with Laura, Aaron, and 17-month old Ayla in Austin for the last two days. Seb and I met Laura in a coffee shop last year and, as some of you may remember, we were her Act of Kindness for 2015. This year we fall under her 2016 Courses of Compassion program and, thanks to our tax-deductible status, got to stay another day. Actually, since Laura sees the "good" in everyone, you never really know where you stand with her: are you a pure charity case?; are you an amazing person that she simply must meet?; is your neediness something that nourishes her? We may never know... But as someone with a generous-spirit three sizes too small, allow me to say that, literally, these are wunnerful people.
After 35 days of sun, the forecast is for storms and rain all this week. As Emer prefers the cold to the hot, we'll soon find out if he prefers the wet to the dry.
We're not quite done with the hills, but in a week or so we'll be done with the all-day rollers.
But not the irritating obstructions...
Peace out.